Family Visiting!
One frequently asked FAQ question that we get is “Do you ever shut down the inn and go on vacation?”. We do occasionally shut the inn down during slow periods for maintenance purposes but once every few years family comes to visit and we close the inn to spend a little quality time with them. And paying guests here for a romantic weekend just might not find the charm of naked little grandchildren running in circles in the courtyard laughing their faces off.
Eldest son, Matt, and his family were here for most of last week. When they left their home in northern Alberta it was minus 39 so they were really enjoying the 70 degree January weather here on Amelia Island. The family got a little beach time and parents got a break from the kids while Grandma Shannon just loved looking after them.
One family outing was the Amelia River Cruise which is always fun. The picture shows Olivia (2 years old, almost 3) driving the boat while her father and Pajama Dave (local legend, far left in photo) watch on and offer advice.
We heard today that they have arrived safely back at their home after an incredibly long air journey. The Addison is back open. We have a pretty busy week ahead of us due to Amelia Island Restaurant Week and are looking forward to a full house this weekend.